As Tiger's World Spins ...

Friday, December 11, 2009

Funny, huh?
Not long ago, Tiger Woods was a media darling, given the keys to the mansion because of his success on the golf course.
Who could argue? The golfer is on pace to become the most successful golfer of all-time, not to mention his success of the links, being able to garner millions of sponsorship dollars.
But as the Notorious B.I.G. said, "Mo' Money, Mo' Problems." In Tiger's case, the celebrity brought more problems than even he could take on.
Recently confessing to extramarital affairs, Woods is doing his best to plug as many leaks as possible, with new allegations coming out everyday.
This week, a number of mistresses have come out of hiding, alleging they have had a relationship at one point with the golf legend while being married to Elin Nordegren.
For a guy trying to heal from a car wreck, the dismantling of his public image and most importantly his relationship with his wife and kids, the past few weeks have been a sobering pill to swallow.
We've heard nothing from Woods aside from a personal statement revealing his transgressions and that the matter should be one dealt with only in the confines of his own home. Hopefully within time they can reconcile their differences, doing what's best for their two children.
It's nothing that he didn't bring on himself, however. Your words and actions are all you have on this earth, and unfortunately he didn't used a few hours or days of his life wisely.
But aren't we a society of second chances? Let me ask you another question: are you a Kobe Bryant fan?
If so, you remember a few years ago that Bryant was similarly crucified by the media and society in general in 2003 after being accused of sexual assault at a hotel in Edwards, Colo., by a hotel employee.
Kobe admitted committing the act of adultery, though he claimed the encounter was "consensual." The case would later by dropped after the accuser informed prosecutors she was unwilling to testify, though a separate suit against the Lakers star was settled out of court.
It's easy to forget this when you see an impersonation of Bryant on the "Most Valuable Puppets" commercials now part of a Nike marketing campaign.
Tiger can and likely will redeem himself, win a few more major titles and maybe make some more sponsorship dollars. But time will tell, and Woods is the only one who can provide the end of the script.