I think I love my job...?

Monday, August 3, 2009

The life of a journalist is not planned; it simply happens.
From the car crashes and fires that scar families almost beyond repair to the football games that bring communities together, this is definitely a one of a kind job. Seriously, you see something new everyday.
Along with this territory comes the occasional "What in the (bleep)?" questions, received either by phone or by readers coming to my place of employment asking questions or requesting me or one of my fellow reporters look into a certain issue.
Today was no different, receiving at least 10 phone calls before even opening my box of Chick-fil-A Chick-n-Minis for breakfast. People eventually got the clue, but I believe it only set me up for the next fellow who would come to my desk asking ME specifically to look into something for him.
Ever since Barack Obama took the reins of the nation after being elected president, there are a lot of people that will not be happy until he is out of office.
For some, the reasons reside in the fact that this man's set of beliefs are far different from their own. Considered a "leftist," President Obama is pro-choice, believes somewhat in gay rights and is far from the warmonger his predecessor George W. Bush was during his time in the nation's capitol.
The handling of the nation's finances seems to be another stumbling block to Obama critics, with another $787 billion in funds going toward education, health care, law enforcement and infrastructure.
Each of us have our likes and dislikes of the President's policies, like my gripe with the aforementioned stimulus bill which will wind up being paid off by our nation's next generations, many of whom have not been norn yet.
But who am I to agree with every action or decision of another person? That would make me a robot.
However, I was approached by a reader whose T-shirt said it all: 'The Worst President Ever' Barack Obama.
That's a pretty bold statement since the man has not hit the eight month mark in his presidency. In addition, he handed me a wrinkled, smoky sheet of paper printed from a Web site titled "Obama's Certified Copy of Registration of Birth... in Kenya!"
Since Obama's announcement that he was running for president, this rumor has followed him around, adding fuel by Republicans specifically that this man is not meet the qualifications mandated for him to hold the nation's highest office.
You would have thought these people would have went away after the Obama's election and inauguration, in which every part of his life was put under a microscope, including his birth certificate.
But here we are now going downhill toward 2010, and these questions still linger. With that in mind, I have a question: "When will you guys get a life and worry about more important problems like keeping people employed?"
Exactly like I thought, SILENCE.
It doesn't surprise me, however, that something like this would happen. After all, it's the American way to scream and belly ache until something is done to ease your pain.
These people's protests likely will not end any time soon nor will Obama be taken out of office over such a minor matter. So guy, whatever your name is, you likely will not be seeing that story in your neighborhood paper.
Sometimes saying no is all in a a day's work. Gotta love my job!