Allow me to introduce myself...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

All of us have a yearning to let the world know a few things about themselves, thoughts that may have been welling up in our bones for months or even years.
But for some reason we cannot find a way to express exactly how we feel. Whether it is the thought of being embarrassed or simply by being the slightest bit shy, a lot of us "punk" out to ourselves just to be one of the crowd.
However, only YOU can be you. As similar we may be to each other, family members or friends, each of us walk a different path through life, none of us going at the same pace or walking to a similar beat.
Keeping with that, each of us think our own thoughts, taking our own views and stances on complex issues like abortion, whether marijuana should be legalized and the direction of our next generation of Americans to simple ones that don't matter in the true scheme of things, but still we take great liberty into arguing who the best team in the NFL is, or whether Kobe is better than LeBron and vice versa.
For that reason, I started this blog, to give my views of things that may or may not be important to you, but for some reason I felt like sharing.
Feel free to share opinions and/or criticism; after all, I get that everyday from my newspaper's loyal fan base.